Sekolah Menengah Sains Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra is a school located in Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia, not too far from the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport and the Camp of Eighth Battalion of Malaysian Infantry Force. It was one of the first set of full-time boarding schools (SBP) built by the Malaysian Government in the wake of Malaysia New Economy Policy.
It officially opened in 1973, but the students still had to reside in the hostel of Sekolah Menengah Ismail Petra (SMIP) until its own hostel opened and was occupied one year later. Its original name was Sekolah Menengah Sains Kelantan since it was the first SBP in the state of Kelantan. The name was then changed to Sekolah Menengah Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra when Mr Muhamad Shafie bin Ismail (now Dato') was the school principal. It was a result of the declaration of Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra as the 'Tengku Mahkota' of Kelantan at the moment. Then, once again the name was changed by implementing the word 'Sains' into it.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Pintu Pagar Belakang Sekolah

Kawasan pintu belakang pagar sekolah berdekatan dengan dewan makan dan asrama lelaki.


Masjid ini dibangunkan bersebelahan dengan asrama lelaki dan perempuan. Ianya terletak di tepi kawasan kejiranan yang mana membolehkan jemaah daripada luar dapat menggunakan masjid ini. Pada setiap hari Jumaat, solat Jumaat juga dilakukan di sini.

Tangki Air Sekolah

Tangki air ini terletak di belakang sekolah. Terdapat satu tradisi yang mana pelajar tingkatan 5 akan menaiki tangki ini ke puncak secara senyap-senyap dan ini dilakukan selepas tamatnya peperiksaan SPM.